Thursday, January 24, 2013

And so it begins.

After moving back to Ridgecrest from the Bronx I have had a lot of time to think about who I am and how I have ended up in the position of being 46, almost 47, and back living under the care of my mother.  It can be hard to hold onto feelings of autonomy and “adultness” in this situation.  I know that that can make me bitchy at times, and it is easy for me to feel under attack at times, but I am doing my best to maintain the balance of doing things for my mom and her husband, my step-dad John. 

What I am planning to do here is take my daily experiences, personal musings about my life, the things that I hear on the news, and the things that I encounter on Facebook, and try and develop stories that are interesting enough for other people to read and comment on.  This is not something that I have ever done before, but with the time that I have on my hand, and all of the things going on in my head, I hope that this will be interesting to others as well as being cathartic for me.

As people comment on things that they read here, I ask that you remember that we all have feelings and vulnerability.  It is possible for people to disagree without descending into ad-hominem attacks.  I will be discussing things that I feel are important and touch me deeply.  This can be everything from observations on the dynamics of the dogs in my house, to gay and women’s rights, foreign policy, and whatever else strikes my fancy.

So here we go.